Join the Reading Plan

For the start of this year, High School Ministry is reading through the book of John, and we’d love for you to read along. It’s just a chapter a day, and you get bonus points in heaven if you post a thought from the chapter in the comments.


I (Charles) have been having a lot of fun reading and teaching through the gospel of John. One of my favorite ways to learn is through solid sermons, podcasts, and videos. I don’t think most students will jump into these resources, but if you are interested in learning more, here is what I’ve been listening to and watching.

Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis

has short videos explaning every verse through the book of John. If you’re not sure what something means, watch the video from that chapter. Easy.

The Gospel of John with Chris Hilken

Chris has been a speaker at Hume Lake that Venture Students have loved. He’s the pastor at College Ave Church in Sand Diego, and has 67 messages through the Gospel of John. Find the sermon from the chapter that you’re reading for a solid sermon.


The Bema Podcast with Marty Solomon

One of the biggest problems with reading the Bible is context — historical context. We’re reading the Bible in the 21st century but the BIble was written before the first century. The Bema Podcast helps with some of that historical context & also will help explain what’s happening verse by verse. The right podcast may be hard to find, but it’s worth the work. (Look for Season 6: Episode 252 - 304)